Will Tim Tebow join KISS?
What do you get when you combine my favorite childhood Rock Band together with my favorite NFL Quarterback? You get KISS and TIM TEBOW! And a ccording to recent interviews with Radio.com and the LA TIMES , the infamous Rock Star Gene Simmons, from the legendary band KISS, and now owner of the LA KISS Arena Football team (scheduled to join the league in 2014), has offered a three-year deal to my favorite NFL quarterback, Tim Tebow. Simmons told Radio.com that Tebow (who has been dropped by 3 NFL football teams, and harassed for his faith) has only been picked on because of his religious beliefs. Simmons then praised Tebow for his Christian convictions by saying, “He’s got religious passion, as well he should. We’re in America. He’s proud to be a Christian. What’s wrong with that? And yet, with sports media and pop culture media, they make fun of his religion. Really? In America? ...A guy who’s religious and has got family values isn’t cool? He’s cool to me...