do you struggle with anxiety?
If you struggle with anxiety or worry, you are no different that 140 million americans who combat this deadly and overwhelming paralyzer each day. However, God's promise to us is that He will keep in "PERFECT PEACE", those whose minds are steadfast on Him (Isaiah 26:3). The Bible tells us that Jesus is our "PEACE" (Ephesians 2:14), and in Him we are "COMPLETE" (Colossians 2:10). If you are not experiencing the peace of God through your relationship with Jesus Christ, whose peace is a product of all who are His according to Galatians 5:22, then I pray that this message on overcoming anxiety will not only minister to you, but that it will inspire you, and permanently transform you. That is what our God does, He transforms hearts and minds and makes us whole (Romans 12:1-2). Before you listen to the voice of the enemy telling you, "Don't listen to this, you've already tried to go to God for help, it doesn't work! He doesn't ...