
Showing posts from September, 2014

Do you have a CLEAR VISION for your Family?

Have you ever thought about the fact that vision fuels our world?  Vision is essential for businesses to be successful, and accomplish the goal of any organization. P rofessional sporting teams have a vision statement. Olympic teams have a vision statement. The Local church has a vision statement. College Students, Teachers, News Stations, Hospitals, Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, Business men and Business women all have a vision for their life. In fact, I think it is safe to say that any person or group of people who seek to accomplish something meaningful in life has a vision for what it is they want to accomplish, and a mission for how they plan on accomplishing it.  Everywhere we turn in life, we have vision statements to keep us on track. We do this so that we can stay focused in accomplishing what we have set out to do. What About Our Marriage and Family? However, when it comes to having a clear and attainable vision for the most important area of our li...

When our Faith feels Dead

This past Sunday's sermon from Bible Fellowship Church, When our Faith feels Dead , is now available to listen to online. If you have trouble hearing this sermon at the above link, try the following LINK .

Leading your life well

This past Sunday's sermon from Bible Fellowship Church, Lessons on Leading your Life Well is now available to listen to online.

Putting the STEAM back in Marriage

Last night our Family Life group at Bible Fellowship began a 5-part study, titled “Happily Ever After?” which is a series that is designed to strengthen our marriages. Sometimes it can feel as if our marriages have either ran out of steam, or are at least in serious trouble of running out of steam. Our energy level can be depleted, and for some, an ungodly frame of mind can begin creeping in where Satan begins whispering the all-familiar lie, “Life is so much better on the other side of the fence.” This frame of mind can be a very attractive, but destructive carrot that dangles before us in our lowest moments. I am sure there are some who are reading this that can testify to the truth and the power of this reality. What can we do stop this negative momentum, and combat the lies that Satan whispers in our ears during the difficult seasons of our marriage life? Or if you are blessed and doing well in your marriage, what can you do to protect yourself and your marriage from ever tr...