
Showing posts from May, 2015

7 Keys to Godly Giving

The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 8-9, that when we give according to our ability (8:3), willingly (9:2), generously (9:5), bountifully (9:6), with our whole heart (9:7), cheerfully (9:9), and with thanksgiving (9:11), that others will be blessed (9:12), God will be glorified (9:13a), and the gospel will advance (9:13b). The bottom line for every believer, is that when we give with the right attitude, we will see the right results. Looking back on your walk with Jesus, does this describe you as a giver? If not, it's not too late to begin. Some might read this and say, but I am too far in debt to give, or I am too poor to give. If that is where you are at right now, I want to encourage you to listen to the following sermon , as it will give you an entirely new perspective on what giving is all about, and how your giving can bring enormous blessing to others, to you, and to God, no matter how poor you are.

Self Talk and Leaders

In addition to the Holy Spirit working in and through our lives, our brains play a most vital role in our ministry as leaders. Not only are they the most important tool we have when leading others, but our brains can also lead us to having an enormously negative impact upon those around us as well. This is why it is crucial to not only understand how to protect the brain, and most importantly, our thought life, but it is also important to understand how we are to overcome the effects of our fallen nature, and negative self-talk when it does attempt to overwhelm us, and derail our ministry.  I hope the following articles will be an encouragement to you, and a practical tool that allows you to be an effective leader, who isn't derailed inwardly from the curse of negative self-talk. I also hope these articles will help protect you from being derailed relationally with others because of the influence your mind can have upon your words and actions. 1. Stop Listening to ...

Make your Giving Count

Have you ever wondered what the Bible says about tithing in a  New Testament world? This message will enlighten your eyes to the truth behind New Testament giving, and set you free from the bondage of "having to tithe". This video will help you clearly understand the Principles behind Christian giving, as well as the Promises that are given to those who apply these principles into their lives. Image for Make your Giving Count

Giving Glorifies God

The third important promise we learned this past Sunday from chapter 9 about Make Your Giving Count, is that Giving Glorifies God. Our tithing and giving to the work of God is an important form of worship, and a very important step in practically living out, and strengthening our faith in the Lord, and bringing God glory through our lives. And yet statistics demonstrate that most Christians in America do not include God's work in their budgets. They include everything else - their houses, cars, clothing, food and entertainment allowance - but not God Himself.  Studies show that the average Christian gives only about two percent of his or her income to the Lord. I once heard someone say, “Too many Christians are asking the wrong question when it comes to tithing. They ask, ‘How much of my money should I give to God?’ Instead, they should be asking, ‘How much of God’s money should I keep for myself?’” If the Lord should return by the end of this sentence, would your current meth...

Giving Blesses You

The second important promise we learned this past Sunday, from chapter 9 about Make Your Giving Count, is that Giving Blesses You. We discovered that there are enormous benefits for our lives when we give to God’s kingdom.  Please read 2 Corinthians 9:6-11, and meditate upon the benefits of financially investing in God’s purposes. i.e. promise of bountiful blessings (v.6), God’s love (v.7), all grace abound towards you (v.8) sufficiency in all things (v.8), abundance for every good work (v.8), increase in spiritual fruitfulness (v.10), thanksgiving is given to God (v.11).

Our Giving Blesses Others

The first important promise we learned this past Sunday, from 2 Corinthians 9:1-5, about Make Your Giving Count, is that our Giving Blesses Others. Because our giving has the opportunity to bless others enormously, God does not want us to miss out on the opportunity of being blessed and in turn bring Him glory when giving financially, by having an unwilling heart. Therefore God’s word encourages us in this area by saying, “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). God wants to make sure that our giving counts in this life and in eternity, and the only way it will count is if our heart is in the right place!  Please read 2 Corinthians 8:1-5. After reading this passage, what character traits stand out to you about the impoverished Macedonian Believers? In what ways do they set an example for us to follow after?

What does the Bible say about Giving?

1. 7 Keys to Godly Giving 2.  Should Pastors Teach on Tithing from the Pulpit? 3.  What are the Biblical Principles for Giving? 4. Our Giving Blesses Others 5. Our Giving Blesses Us 6. Our Giving Glorifies God 7. Sermon: Make your Giving Count

Principles that make our giving count

This past Sunday we looked at 2 Corinthians 8-9 in a message titled, Make Your Giving Count. We looked at the Principles behind making our giving count, as well as the Promises that make our giving count. In chapter 8, we discovered 4 key principles that are important to understand in order to make sure we have a clear understanding of why it is important to be generous givers. After meditating upon this Sunday’s message ( listen here ), how has God challenged you to respond? Read and reflect upon Matthew 6:19-24 throughout this week, and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any frivolous areas of finance that He would like you to get rid of, so that you can begin investing more freely into building God’s Kingdom. One practical idea: why not cut down on $25 worth of Starbucks each month, and sponsor a child from Gospel for Asia?

When a Mother Walks with Jesus

You can now watch this past Sunday's message, "When a Mother Walks With Jesus", and hear a powerful testimony of one woman's real life journey through enormous difficulties, and yet she never stopped trusting in God's faithfulness.

Philosophy of Leadership

The Importance of a Philosophy of Leadership Jesus has given His church the responsibility to carry out the work of the ministry within the church (Ephesians 4:11-16), and in the world (Matthew 28:18-20), through the leading and empowering of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). Because we as leaders are called to manage the household of God (1 Timothy 3:5), those leaders who do not manage certain things in ministry, are ultimately being disobedient to God, and neglecting the people God has called them to serve. In order to accomplish this mission from God, we have been given spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:11, 18), that we are called to use (Romans 12:6), in order to develop and build one another up (1 Peter 4:10), as we fruitfully endeavor (John 15:16), to do the work of the ministry for the glory of God (1 Peter 4:11). Because we have been given such an incredible responsibility from God (John 21:15-17), we must be diligent in how we approach this enormous task (1 Corinthians ...

Philosophy of Ministry

The Importance of a Philosophy of Ministry We live in a world that has been bombarded with an abundance of philosophies intended to guide our lives, and at times it can make us feel as if we are living in the middle of a maze in which every road appears to have an answer for finding our way out. It can be quite a confusing journey for someone that is looking for something important to believe in and commit his or her life to, so confusing at times that a person can easily feel like they are being “tossed and blown about by ​every wind of new teaching” (Ephesians 4:14). It is for this very reason that the apostle Paul tells the church just prior to making that statement about being tossed and blown about, that “Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:11-12). Paul continues by saying that the role o...


I met my wife Lyndsey in a home fellowship at  Horizon Christian Fellowship   located in San Diego, where we served together in leadership under Pastor  Mike MacIntosh. We were married in September of 1999, and she is my best friend and the love of my life. After 12 years of waiting upon the Lord, we were blessed with a miracle baby boy who was born in October (2011), almost 10 years to the day that doctors said we would never have our own ​children! ​I have been in pastoral ministry since 2002, and have been blessed to serve as a Kids Ministry Pastor, Family Ministry Pastor, Senior Pastor, Church Planter, and a faculty member of the  Horizon School of Evangelism , a ministry training school, where I taught an Evangelism/Discipleship course for 6 years (02'-08'). I am currently serving as the Associate Pastor of  Bible Fellowship Church , and Lord willing, will be transitioning into the Senior Pastor position at the end of 2015, when BFC's foundin...


1.  How can I understand the Trinity? 2.  How do I Glorify God through Praise? 3.  What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? 4.  Does God still do Miracles? 5.  What is God the Father like?


1.  Do all Roads Lead to God? Yes. 2.   Are we saved through our good works? 3.  Can a Christian lose their Salvation? 4.  Are people who say the "Sinner's Prayer" guaranteed Eternal Life? 5.  What does it mean for a Christian to be Sanctified? 6.  Will Gay People go to Heaven? 7.  How can I know God? 8.  Does God ever stop loving believers?


1.  How can I fill the Empty void in my heart?  2.  Steps to overcome DEPRESSION 3.  How can I overcome Anxiety? 4.  What should I believe about Abortion? 5.  What is Sexual Immorality? 6.  How do I spend Alone time with God? 7.  Why do I feel so spiritually dry as a Christian? 8.  I am not sure how I am supposed to pray? 9.  Am I a Christian if I said the "Sinner's Prayer?" 10.  Can I be confident that God will keep working in my life? 11.  What is the cure for a hardened heart? 12.  Is there any chance of saving my marriage? 13.  How did sin bring disease into the world? 14.  How can I make Jesus KNOWN through my life? 15.  Does a Christian have to be Baptized? 16. What does the Bible say about Finances? 17. The  Dangers of Emotional Triangles 

Do you need a REMINDER of why you are here?

The fourth important truth we learned about having an Exit Strategy until the Lord Returns, is Our Exit Strategy is to REMEMBER WHY you are here (2:13-17). What exhortations does Paul give to the Thessalonians about how we should be living our life until Jesus returns for us? (read 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17)


1.  How to Pray 2.  Learning how to Pray using Scriptures 3.  8 Keys to an Effective Prayer Life 4.  Do false gods answer prayer? 5.  Does God bless "Circle Prayer"? 6.  What is the Relationship between Prayer and the Peace of God?