can I get arrested for almost breaking and entering?

This past week I visited our Jr. High Ministry. What a great night it was! We ate pizza, cookies, cupcakes, and drank lots of soda! We spent time in God's word, and then headed outside to play an advanced game of hide-and-seek, called "Night-Crossing".

Pizza, cookies, cupcakes, and soda? I totally thought that Youth Pastors had it made, up until the point in time when we headed out to play games. That is where God then showed me that I am way too out of shape to keep up with the kids and their games. Thank You Jesus for Youth Pastors! They are my new heroes!

As the night continued on, the kids were having a blast fellowshipping and playing "Night-Crossing" together, and I was really enjoying the opportunity to get to know the kids, as well as watch our Youth Pastor shine for Jesus. Before the night was over one of the newer members of the group named Mark, whose family has recently called Temecula Creek CF their home church, said that his mom had arrived so he had to leave. I wanted to say hi to his mom so I went with him. As we were walking down the hill (we were actually crawling because of how steep it was) and my life flashed before my eyes a couple of times, thinking, "I am too old for this!" I didn't let Mark see me sweating though. It was pitch-black outside so I don't think he could have seen me anyways. By God's grace we made it down the incline safely and began walking back to the house. However, we were not paying attention to where we were going, due to the fact that we were in a conversation.

When we finally arrived to the house, I thought it was strange that our hosts had locked their door and turned the lights off. They are normally much more hospitable than that! I thought to myself, "What in the world are they doing? There are still 20 kids outside playing hide-and-seek! If this is the impression they set when the pastor comes for a visit, I wonder what in the world takes place when I am not here?" I began pulling on the handle trying to force it opened, because I knew that they couldn't have locked us out at 8:30 p.m. on a school night. And after a few minutes of forcefully trying to get inside of the house, I began to realize that something was off. I then turned around to look at the driveway to make sure that I recognized the cars that were parked there. It was at that moment that I realized that we were at the wrong house!

It was quite funny! When we realized we were trying to get into a neighbors house instead of the host house, we made a b-line out of there. Fortunately for us nobody saw us, or they would have thought for sure that we were trying to break into the neighbors house. I was also thanking God that nobody came to the door with a loaded-shotgun, because I was attempting to break into their home.

I am sure it will be awhile before I ever get invited back to our Youth Ministry Bible Study!

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