What's the Bible say about Tithing?

When discussing tithing from the pulpit, I like what Dr. Joe McKeever says, “The worst time to preach on money is when you need some, pastor. The second worst time is when the church needs some. The best time to preach on money is all the other times.” I know that this should not be a dogmatic approach, nor does it accurately reveal my heart about the subject, but there is some wisdom in being very discerning about our approach to this subject, as money has the ability to produce much evil in the hearts of others, especially when pastors talk about it from the pulpit (cf. 1 Tim. 6:10).

However, as far as tithing is concerned, I believe tithing is an important form of worship, and a very important step in practically living out, and strengthening our faith in the Lord. In fact, Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Mt. 6:21), which seems to imply that giving of our time and resources draws us closer to God, and is a practical indicator that God is truly first in a persons’ life (cf. Mt. 6:33). I think we can safely argue that tithing is also a good indicator of the stewardship one has over their entire life. Our checkbook can be a powerful testimony as to what we consider most important in life.

The Bible tells us that when we tithe we are partaking in a “ministry of giving” (2 Cor. 8:6), and that is why we are exhorted to “excel in the grace of giving” (2 Cor. 8:7), and those who are generous givers will experience greater degrees of happiness in life (Acts 20:35). The Bible calls us to give willingly (2 Cor 9:12), cheerfully (2 Cor 9:7), sacrificially (2 Cor 8:3-4), and expectantly (2 Cor. 9:6), and in doing so, God will provide even more for those who do so (2 Cor. 9:10-11). Finally, the Bible tells us that those who bless others with their generosity will be blessed in return (Pr. 11:25; 22:9; Ps. 112:5).

It is also important to note, that when we are cheerful and generous with our giving, the Bible says, “two good things will happen” (2 Cor 9:12).

  1. The needs of others will be met (2 Cor. 9:12b)
  2. Those who are blessed by our generosity will joyfully express their thanksgiving to God (2 Cor. 9:12c) 
In addition to this, the Bible points out three more important things that take place when we give cheerfully and generously:

  1. When you give generously, you will glorify God (2 Cor. 9:13a)
  2. You will prove that you are obedient to the Good News of Christ (2 Cor. 9:13b)
  3. Those you help provide for, will pray for you with deep affection, because of the wonderful grace of God shown through you (2 Cor. 9:14)
With this being the result of a persons generous giving, why in the world would we not all strive to be the most generous givers on the planet? In fact, the more we generously give, the more fruit that abounds to our heavenly account (Phil. 4:17).

Being in full-time ministry, and walking by faith with Jesus, my family and I have been on the receiving end of generous givers on more than one occasion. My wife and I can personally testify to the fact that when our needs have been met through the generosity of others, we gave praise and enormous thanksgiving to God, who was glorified through our situation (especially in front of our unsaved family members). Furthermore, we have literally prayed enormously for those who blessed us with deep affection, because of God’s grace that was shown through them.

Don’t miss what I am saying here. What I am saying is that when we have been on the receiving end of other people’s generosity, without even realizing it, we fulfilled the promise of God’s Word from 2 Corinthians 9. In addition to this, it has inspired us to be more generous givers in our own lives.

I pray that as you continue following the Lord that you will partake in this important and influential ministry of being a generous giver, as it will not only bless those in need, increase the faith of others, glorify God in your life, but also add fruit in heaven due to the fact that you are choosing to store up your treasures in heaven, which of course, have eternal dividends. 

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