How Confident are you in your Exit Strategy?

The first important truth we learned about having an Exit Strategy until the Lord Returns, is; Our Exit Strategy is to REMAIN CONFIDENT because He is Coming (2 Thessalonians 2:1-2). How confident are you that Jesus is going to Return soon? Why were the Thessalonians shaken up about this event? Read 2 Thessalonians 1:3-12 for a better understanding (hint, hint: They were facing enormous persecution, and therefore thought they had missed the Lord’s Return!) Now read 1 Thessalonians 5:9, and meditate upon the Paul’s words of reassurance to the Thessalonians and to us. Swew, big sigh of relief right?

There is a second aspect in remaining confident in the Lord’s Return, and that is the importance of being confident that we are spiritually right with Jesus when He returns. Are there areas of your life that are causing you to have no confidence in being received by Him? Do you have little assurance in your own relationship with Jesus today? Are you nervous about the fact that He is coming back one day, and you know that there are areas of your life that are not lined up with God’s will right now? The apostle John explains to us how we can have confidence when Jesus returns in 1 John 2:28-29. What is the key word in (v.28) that we must do in order to be confident when He returns? Refer to Jesus’ teaching on this topic in John 15:1-16.

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