Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness

The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness is a book that reveals the marks of a heart that is touched by God and transformed by the Gospel. In a booklet barely 40 pages long, the author exposes the nature of pride, ego, self-esteem, and judgment of others and of ourselves. 

By dissecting 1 Corinthians 3:21-4:7, Timothy Keller puts the spotlight upon these internal diseases of the heart, and does a superb job in pointing out the historical view points of self-esteem, both high and low, and the transformation of these conditions of the heart that the gospel offers to all of us. 

Over the span of three easy to read chapters, the author covers 1) The Natural Condition of the Human Ego, 2) The Transformed View of Self, and 3) How to Get that Transformed View of Self. I believe the book will be life-changing for many who read it, embrace it, and apply it to their lives. I highly recommend it.

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