This is what faith does

The Bible tells us in Hebrews 11:8, "By faith Abraham obeyed God when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going." There is no greater example in all of Scripture of what it means to "walk by faith, not by sight", than in the life of Abraham. The Bible tells us here that when God came to Abraham, He called him to go, and when Abraham went, he went out, "not knowing where he was going."In other words, Abraham had to walk by faith in God, and not by what he was seeing with his eyes. This is how we walk by faith and not by sight, by following God's leading even when we don't know where He is leading us.

This is exactly what faith does. Faith Responds to God and follows Him everywhere in life. Through the good times and through the bad times, through the easy times and through the difficult times. Faith responds to God and follows Him everywhere!

There are people who say they have great faith in God, until it comes time to trusting God when it counts. It's easy to trust God when life is comfortable, and when everything is going well, and when things are great, and when people like you, and when you love your job, and when your marriage is great, and when your kids are earning "Student of the Month" Awards at school. You know what I mean, right?

But it's difficult to trust God when your world is crashing in on you, and your marriage seems shipwrecked, and your kids are out of control, and your boss is a tyrant, and you have no idea how you are ever going to get through the difficulties you are currently facing. But God wants us to follow after Him and trust Him everywhere He calls us, and into every situation we find ourselves in.

Faith Responds to God and Follows Him Everywhere. And the ingredient that strengthens our faith is the same ingredients that Abraham had. He trusted the Word of God, and he believed that the Promises of God were waiting for him on the journey. That is why the Bible tells us that "By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance." (Hebrews 11:8).

Don't miss this guys! The Bible is telling us that Abraham walked by faith into the great unknown "not knowing where God was leading him", because he believed that the promises of God were waiting for him there! Abraham believed that the "inheritance" that God promised to him were there waiting for him, all that Abraham had to do was trust God at His word, and believe the Promise of God was waiting.

And today, in your life, whatever you are facing, God is calling you to walk with the same type of faith as Abraham. Trusting God's Word, and believing that the promises of God are waiting for you as you march forward in faith.

Let's keep our eyes on the prize this week and continue walking forward in faith.

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